Goodbye, Mr. President

I have already received the best Christmas gift EVER – 81,284,000 Americans voted against you!!! Praise be to God for that overwhelming turn out. You have become a disappearing gigantic pothole in democracy’s road of laws, procedures, civility, decency, compromise, respect, discipline, and compassion. You suck as a president and a human being by representing the worst in people, including being a sore loser.

Thanks to you, this democratic nation has to climb out of the abhorrent abyss you created during your obnoxious and appalling term. While seeking greatness, you stoked hell’s fires of fear, violence, racism, corruption, hatred, sins, and lies, lies, lies, lies. What’s wrong with you, you pile of poop??? Not enough love and goodness growing up? Because you still seem to be thinking and acting like an abused and neglected child.

Your abject and repugnant behavior has been soiling the soul of this country since your 2015 announcement. My mind has been puking since you were sworn in. What a joke -DJT swearing on a Bible! The Devil’s been laughing, too, along with Putin and the other autocrats you admire and revere. Shame, shame, shame on you.

Mr. President, you belong to the United States of America, a democracy; the United States of America does NOT belong to you. Bye-bye…

About Cyranette

I have been writing since I was 11 and am now a grandmother of 8. Aside from my family, I love writing, reading, movies, gardening, genealogy, and travel. I met my soulmate online and we've been married 26 years. I am a survivor of rape, abuse, and cancer. I believe in love, kindness, and common sense. I was born/raised in Indiana and have lived in Massachusetts, Texas, and California. I have visited: most of the United States, British Columbia, Germany, Austria, and Costa Rica. My husband and I would like to visit England, Europe, and New Zealand and to take a train ride along the Canadian/American border. I have written essays, articles, short stories, a romance novel, a self-help book, and several children's books.
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